Monday, September 25, 2006

The Things I Never Knew I Never Knew...

These past few weeks have taught me so much about myself... and most of it was all completely news to me; strengths, weakness, etc. It happens though; you learn something - either valuable or not - about yourself and then you make the decision to shrug it off or take something from that hopefully valuable detail.
Mistakes are life and regrets, in my universe, are non-existent. How is a person expected to learn things if they're always going to be doing everything right and by the book? That doesn't happen and, quite frankly, I don't think it ever will. Perfectionism is but a state of mind.

That should be the learning curve; that point where you learn to accept the simple fact that you will always be a pushover; you will always be oversensitive; you will always be a rebel, an angel or even both. If it's something you didn't know about yourself now you do. What's left is for you to deal and move on. Nothing's changed; you're still the same person with new developments to your peronality, which is nothing but FUN!!

I love my developed self; put together with my usual self the result is a BOMB that will continue to crash and burn, no doubt. No one can handle it better than me. I love it!!

Crash & Burn...


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