Monday, September 25, 2006

The Things I Never Knew I Never Knew...

These past few weeks have taught me so much about myself... and most of it was all completely news to me; strengths, weakness, etc. It happens though; you learn something - either valuable or not - about yourself and then you make the decision to shrug it off or take something from that hopefully valuable detail.
Mistakes are life and regrets, in my universe, are non-existent. How is a person expected to learn things if they're always going to be doing everything right and by the book? That doesn't happen and, quite frankly, I don't think it ever will. Perfectionism is but a state of mind.

That should be the learning curve; that point where you learn to accept the simple fact that you will always be a pushover; you will always be oversensitive; you will always be a rebel, an angel or even both. If it's something you didn't know about yourself now you do. What's left is for you to deal and move on. Nothing's changed; you're still the same person with new developments to your peronality, which is nothing but FUN!!

I love my developed self; put together with my usual self the result is a BOMB that will continue to crash and burn, no doubt. No one can handle it better than me. I love it!!

Crash & Burn...
It's ALL Over!!!

I'm still finding it hard to believe that all the source of my pain and turmoil is gone. It's been some hours since it all officiall ended, and yet I'm struggling to grasp the fact that it's all over.
The conference happened this past weekend and it went well, despite a few high profile egomaniacs who believe they are centre of the universe pulling out on us at the very last minute. I guess it has a great deal to do with what's on the surface and not really about what's really going on behind closed doors.
The adventure also went pretty damn well, if I have to say so myself. We were all very exhausted at the end of it, which is to be expected, but it was great nonetheless. Everybody was happy!!

I have so much catching up to do... in everything. Well, since I have most of my time free to throw around I may as well look to that and fix what needs to be fixed.

On Saturday Robin broke the world record for dj with the longest live radio broadcast. The previous record was 125 hours by some Italian guy, I don't remember his name. I'm so freakin proud of that guy; he has really done very well for himself, nevermind the fact that he's put South Africa, Rhodes University and Rhodes Music Radio on the map. What a guy; a LEGEND!! I need to get a copy of that Guinness Book of Records ASAP!! Thereafter I shall brag to all that I know that I know the most uber special guy in the history of radio broadcasts.

Anyway, life goes on...

Crash & Burn...

Monday, September 11, 2006

I Have Crashed... And Then Crashed Again... And Again.... Still Falling!

The last time I posted I was having the worst week of my life. I still think it is a moment which deserves to go down in history.
At the moment I am being victimised at the Highway Africa Conference. Poor me. I have been slaving away since Saturday dealing with 'nice and not so nice' people. Africans are very interesting beings indeed.
I must say I have never seen a student so determined to make such a huge effort to be considered for a job after graduating. I will not name the individual, for the sake of his future in the media industry. He is a JMS 4 graduate student and he's on a roll. Yesterday he entertained Snuki Zikalala by offering him his CV and personal info in case he needed someone to take up a job.
Hey, at least he made an impression. He won't be forgotten after that incident. I think he's offered his CV to 20 people already. I guess it's every man for himself.
Duty Calls. The VIPs and all the high profile people need immediate assistance. They cannot be kept waiting.

Crash & Burn...