The Aftermath Of A Tornado
The 18th was absolutely awesome and everybody had fun. Initially, the party crew was just the 5 of us, namely Sibs, Sane, Gugs (the birthday girl) Noize and myself. These girls are so amazing and so much fun to be with. I love them all to death. Once we got to The Drill Hall the crew just increased. It was definitely an experience worthy of going down in history as the most fun that people have had together.
Trivarsity is over (thank goodness) and the aftermath is unbelievable. People were still hanging Sunday afternoon. One person in particular, the sweetest-looking girl. She's in my res. She was still drunk this afternoon; not hanging, drunk. Or maybe she was high. You never know with these things these days. Well, at least everyone present in the Dining Hall was entertained. I still can't get my head around how people can just drink so much for so long. I probably never will.
There were so many sirens sounding this morning. Some coming into Grahamstown and others heading out to PE. That only means that students were injured and some even lost their lives. Nicole, a friend of mine, mentioned that she was told that there was a massive accident on the main road to Port Elizabeth, or is it Nelson Mandela Bay? Anyway, obviously many students would be going back to their universities so it's likely that it was a bunch of students in the crash.
The Great Field was a very worrying sight yesterday as well. There was booze everywhere and people, in their drunken or hanging states, were all over the place. This thing called Trivarsity is not a joke. Yeah, sure it's all in the spirit of fun and support for our respective teams, but it seems to miss the point in a sense. I was inside that crowd on the stands by the field during the Rugby game, and it was not pleasant. I couldn't stay in one place for more than a few seconds so I went nearby the Beer Tent and the music since the crowd there was less.
Oh well, it's over now so there's no use dwelling on the past. I guess that's life.
Crash & Burn...
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